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我的多屏影像《回旋词歌 - 3ch Ver.》所参加的费那奇北京动画周-觅径之旅展览(动画周期间11月10日-14日),将再次举行,这次是在中间科技艺术节展览单元@ 北京元中心·元动力SHOW,展期11月30日-12月29日。

My video installation "RotAte Shika - 3ch Ver." is again a part of the Pathfinding Voyage - Exhibition Programme by Feinaki Beijing Animation Week, this time it held at the 6th Tech-Art Festival @ Central Mobile Intelligence District from 30 Nov to 29 Dec.

我为动画学术趴撰写了的Animest动画节游记,《情色、迷幻与反叛,我在“吸血鬼的故乡”当动画评委》,8000字(!) 。

学术趴的微博、B站和知乎也都可以阅读它。里面有我去罗马尼亚动画节当MV单元终审评委、看片和对这个城市的所思所感。 希望这些记录能带给大家一些想象、勇气和愉快心情… 谢谢学术趴主编彼方的邀稿!

I wrote the Animest travelogue for the 动画学术趴Anim-Babblers, "Eroticism, Psychedelia and Rebellion, I'm an Animation Jury in the Home of the Vampire". In it, I wrote about the experience of being on the jury of the ANIMUSIC competition, watching films and thinking and feeling about the city. It's 8,000 words in total.

It's also available on this media's Weibo, Bilibili and Zhihu.

中国のメディアAnim-Babblers に寄稿した、Animest紀行文(審査員を務めたことや映画祭自体についての感想)が、ついに公開された。中国語で8000字、日本語に換算すると1万字超えでござる!興味ある方はGoogle翻訳でなんとかしてください、正確率は多分70%ぐらい。

I am here in Beijing for the 5th Feinaki Beijing Animation Week, and my muilty screen installation "RotAte Shika - 3ch Ver." is part of the Pathfinding Voyage - Exhibition Programme.

And I've also designed a set of tattoo stickers with images from my past works, as well as some special designs for animation nerds!

来费那奇北京动画周了!在觅径之旅展览中,可以看到我的多屏影像作品《回旋词歌 - 3ch Ver.》。并且,我也设计了一套纹身贴,里面包含我过去作品的图案,以及专门为动画阿宅们的特供设计!

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