I was invited to be one of the jury for the Music Video Competition at the 18th Animest Animation Film Festival, which took place from the 6th to the 15th of October. Very excited to attend this year.
すべて表示「Be Gone」はひろしまアニメーションシーズンで日本依頼作品コンペティションのシシヤマザキ賞をいただきました。ありがとうございます! ”Be Gone” won the "Shishi Yamazaki" Award of the Japanese...
我们汉堡组制作的《点一个汉堡》入选First青年电影展的先锋创作单元啦!这是一个神奇的6人动画作者的短片合集,我的短片叫做《汉堡饱和》。7月底回国和汉堡组的大家聚首西宁,到时见。 The anthology film "Burger Order", produced by...